Calculating Oxygen Content from Adventitious Carbon 1s Spectra

Adventitious carbon (AdC) is commonly detected in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses of most samples. While AdC can be beneficial in some cases, such as for charge correction purposes during the analysis of insulators, its associated C–O functionalities can complicate the interpretation of O 1s spectra. Accurately accounting for AdC’s contribution within the O 1s spectrum is essential but challenging due to significant spectral overlap and poorly resolved components in the high-resolution O 1s spectrum.

Rather than assigning multiple components without clear physical meaning—potentially leading to misinterpretations—incorporating stoichiometry offers a more reliable approach to improving data accuracy. However, applying stoichiometry can be tedious and challenging, particularly for novice users.

A recently published article [1] describes an approximation to enhance oxygen spectra interpretation by estimating oxygen linked to AdC. This publication provides background information, key assumptions, and an easy-to-use Excel calculator to assist XPS researchers in analyzing their own O 1s spectra.

This approach is particularly useful for accurately quantifying survey spectra when AdC influence must be minimized and for modelling high-binding-energy components in the oxygen 1s spectrum. The latter example is important to many transition metal oxides which have overlapping hydroxide and/or defect oxide components in the same binding energy window. Detailed examples of these applications are presented and discussed in reference [1]. These types of calculations were originally introduced in [2].

This Excel based calculator (also available at supplementary material in [1]) takes information from the survey and high resolution carbon 1s spectra and determines the amount of oxygen that is present from adventitious carbon species. This amount can then be deducted from the overall oxygen concentration.
(Note: you must download the file to Excel to use it - it is locked in Google Docs).