Workshop Exercises: Advanced Chemical State Analysis

1) Carbon 1s - Set up a standard file for the fitting of adventitious carbon. Download the C 1s spectrum here.

2) Use it to charge correct a series of spectra. Download test file.

3) Oxygen 1s - General fitting of the O 1s spectra for metals.  Use file from number 2. Fit the O 1s spectrum, understand and explain all sources of oxygen.

4) Ti 2p - Set up curve-fitting parameters.  Download Ti 2p test file. See titanium literature fitting values.

5) Cr 2p - Set up curve-fitting parameters. Download Cr 2p test file. See chromium literature fitting values.

•Cr(VI) Species – mix of oxide and hydrated species
   -One narrow peak FWHM 1.5 eV
  -Range from 579.0 to 580.0 eV
•Cr(III) Species – mix of oxide and hydrated species
  -Cr(OH)3 - One broad peak FWHM of ~2.5 eV, set to 577.5 eV
  -Cr2O3 - Five multiplet peaks of equal FWHM (~0.9 eV) with set areas and separations based on standard sample
•Cr(0) – Metal
  -One asymmetric peak with a FWHM of 0.9 eV
  -Range from 573.9 to 574.5 eV

6) Ni 2p - For the brave, download and give it a try. See Ni 2p literature fitting values and general instructions here.

Workshop Exercises: The Auger Parameter and Wagner Plots

The Auger Parameter

1. Try calculating the Auger parameter for ZnO and Cd metal (click on links to download the spectra). (Compare to zinc and cadmium literature.)
2. Calculate the Auger parameter and use it to determine the chemical state for 3 unknown Cu species (Unknown 1, Unknown 2, Unknown 3).  Click here to access Cu binding energy and Auger parameter values.

Wagner Plots
Handouts will be given or you can download the exercise here.

Use lines of slope 1 and 3 to look at the trends:
1) For the Ga(III) halogen series.
2) Going from Ga(III), Ga(II) to Ga(I).
3) For the metal, alloys and semiconductors (Ga2O3 is also a semiconductor).
Do final state effects dominate (slope of 3) or do initial state effects dominate (slope of 1)?

XPS Reference Pages

This site contains information gained from decades of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses of an enormous variety of samples analyzed at Surface Science Western laboratories located at the Western University (London, Ontario). Originally this site was designed as a place for students and our clients to access valuable tips and information. It has since been opened to all those interested in the XPS technique. Summaries of literature data, relevant references and unpublished data taken of well characterized standard samples are presented. Also curve-fitting tips, instrument set-up tips (specifically for the Kratos AXIS Supra, Ultra and Nova), and CasaXPS tips pertaining to questions we normally get from our students and clients, and other odd bits of information are presented.

The fine print:
Surface Science Western and the University of Western Ontario does not warranty any of the information shown at this site. Any use of this data in scientific publications or other forms should include referencing to the originally published data referenced herein.

What is Adventitious Carbon?

A thin layer of carbonaceous material is usually found on the surface of most air exposed samples, this layer is generally known as adventitious carbon. Even small exposures to atmosphere can produce these films. Adventitious carbon is generally comprised of a variety of (relatively short chain [1]) hydrocarbons species with small amounts of both singly and doubly bound oxygen functionality. The source of this carbon has been debated over the years. It does not appear to be graphitic in nature and in most modern high vacuum systems vacuum oils are not readily present (as they have been in the past) [1,2,3,4]. There may be some evidence that CO or CO2 species may play a role in the gradual appearance of carbon on pristine surfaces within the vacuum of the XPS chamber [3].

It’s presence on insulating surfaces provides for a convenient charge reference by setting the main line of the C 1s spectrum to 284.8 eV (although values ranging from 285.0 eV to 284.5 eV have been used in some cases, remember to check for this value when looking for binding energy references in the literature). The error in this value (284.8 eV) is, for most systems, on the order of +/-0.2 eV to 0.3 eV.  An in-depth look at the effectiveness of using AdC for charge correction purposes, including standardized fitting procedures, is presented in [5].
Work by Grey et al. [6] has explored the nature of adventitious carbon by XPS and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS).  XPS D-parameter and ToF-SIMS analyses confirms that AdC is not graphitic in nature. An average C 1s spectrum for AdC (Figure 1, Table 1) was derived and shows that, on average, ~ 25 % of the carbon species in AdC is directly associated with oxygen functionality.  Similarly, ToF-SIMS analyses show that AdC is comprised of mainly short chain hydrocarbons with some oxygen functionality.

An advanced method for curve-fitting of the C 1s envelope for AdC (Table 2) was developed that included the effects of beta carbons (in this context, the alpha carbon is the carbon directly attached to the oxygen, and the beta carbon is attached to the alpha carbon) and were informed by the configurations of possible volatile organic compounds (VOC) that are the source of most AdC [6]. Using this method in combination with the dataset from [5], the average C–C/C–H AdC aliphatic peak position was shown to be 284.81 eV (+/- 0.25 eV) via verification with a secondary internal reference.

Figure 1. Average of 80 adventitious carbon C 1s XPS spectra.

Table 1. Average adventitious carbon C 1s fitting parameters from an average of 80 AdC spectra.

Table 2. Curve-fitting parameters for AdC C 1s including shifted beta peaks (*) (peaks E, F and G). Areas for peaks A, B, C, and D should be left unconstrained. # If peak-shape for peak D is well-defined the FWHM constraint can be removed.
[1] T.L. Barr, S. Seal, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 13(3) (1995) 1239.
[2] P. Swift, Surf. Interface Anal. 4 (1982) 47.
[3] D.J. Miller, M.C. Biesinger, N.S. McIntyre, Surf. Interface Anal. 33 (2002) 299.
[4] H. Piao, N.S. McIntyre, Surf. Interface Anal. 33 (2002) 591.