The Zn 2p3/2 spectrum of zinc oxide, though free from multiplet splitting and other complicating effects, suffers from an overlap with the metal peak binding energy (see Table 1). Chemical state determination can be made effectively by using the modified Auger parameter. If the Auger peak is unavailable or compromised (by, for example, overlap with the Na Auger line) the oxide peak can generally be assigned based on its larger FWHM compared to the metal. Due to the spectral overlap, mixed systems of metal and oxide will be very difficult to quantify. However in cases where the zinc metal is in electrical contact with a conductive substrate an over-layer of non-conductive oxide will charge differentially from the substrate. The action of the charge neutralization system will move the oxide peak to a lower binding energy separated from the metal allowing for peak area quantification[1].
Table 1. Binding energies, fitting parameters, and modified Auger parameter values for zinc[1].
Other Notes:
Zinc Beryllium Oxide Zn 2p3/2 = 1022.1 eV, Modified Auger parameter = 2010.0 to 2010.1 eV
Zinc (II) Hydroxide Zn 2p3/2 = 1022.0 eV, Modified Auger parameter = 2009.6 eV